Our Clients

We could go on and on about how you will have no regrets with installing solar power, but it’s even better to hear from people that have made the switch themselves.

Flynn Family

Hear the Flynn Family Smart Solar story who have a full SolarHydro setup and only paid $186 for their power bill in 2023.

Westlake Family

In 2019, the Westlakes considered adding solar panels to their aging 200m2, 29-year-old home. However, the cost seemed daunting amidst ongoing renovations. Fast forward to 2023, on the edge of retirement, they revisited the idea. To their surprise, solar prices had halved. Installing 18 panels in November 2023, they immediately saw the benefits: no power bills and a surplus with their supplier.

  • Nearly retired couple.

  • 200sqm home

  • 16 Panels 6.5 kilowatts

We installed Smart Solar in November 2023 and we still haven’t had to pay a power bill

Rempstone Family

The Rempstone Family chose to install a Smart Solar Setup with 18 panels generating 8 kilowatts for their 230sqm home. This decision aimed to reduce their reliance on grid electricity, providing financial relief as they got close to retirement. With one family member working full-time and another at home, the solar panels significantly lightened their monthly expenses, offering greater financial freedom as they transitioned into this new phase of life.

  • Nearly retired couple.

  • 230 Sqm Home

  • 18 Solar Panels - 7.3 Kilowatt

We’ve had Smart Solar in for 3 months and saved over $500 already.

Kilmurry Family

The Kilmurry installed a Smart Solar Setup for their 192 sqm home. With 18 solar panels generating 6.1 kilowatts, they enjoyed reduced power bills while efficiently running their hydronic central heating system. This ensured constant warmth and on-demand hot water, making their home comfortable and cost-effective.

  • Young family - 2 adults + 1 child.

  • 190sqm home.

  • This is a Smart Solar SolarHydro house.

    18 Solar Panels - 6.1 Kilowatts.

We paid $700 for power for the whole of 2023

It’s good for your pocket.

It’s good for the planet.

It’s good for your future.