Solar made simple

Smart Solar is here to make things easy for you. We’re breaking it down, keeping it short it and sweet.

General Solar

  • Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity using special cells called photovoltaic cells. When sunlight hits these cells, they generate electricity.

  • An inverter is a device that converts direct current (DC) electricity, such as that generated by solar panels, into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is the standard form of electricity used in homes and businesses.

  • The grid refers to the interconnected system of power lines, substations, and infrastructure that facilitates the transmission and distribution of electricity from power plants to homes, businesses, and other end consumers.

  • This is a question that’s asked a lot!

    There are several factors to think about:

    1. Energy Usage: A larger household with higher energy needs usually notices a greater reduction in savings than a smaller household.

    2. Energy Efficiency:  The energy efficiency of each household varies greatly. Is your home well insulated? Are you using energy-efficient whiteware appliances, hot water heating and central heating? Efficient systems reduce power usage, enhancing solar savings.

    3. Change in User Behaviour: If you plan to keep your house warmer than before, account for the increased energy usage. Balancing comfort with energy savings is essential.

    Remember, each households situation is unique and we can cover it further in our consultation process.

  • Yes you will.

    Solar panels rely on sunlight to generate electricity, so they still work on cloudy days. However, their efficiency decreases compared to full sunshine. This reduction depends on the extent and density of the clouds.

    • Cost Savings: Solar power can significantly reduce electricity bills over time by generating free, renewable energy from sunlight.

    • Environmental Impact: Solar power produces clean energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions, thus mitigating environmental impact

    • Energy Independence: Solar panels empower homeowners to generate their own electricity, reducing dependence on the grid.

    • Long-Term Investment: Installing solar panels can add value to homes and offers long-term savings, making it a financially savvy investment for the future.

  • All houses are suitable for solar but several factors determine the optimum generation for solar power.

    • Roof orientation and tilt angle

    • Shading from obstructions like trees & buildings.

    • Roof condition and space for panels.

    Smart Solar is able to come out to your house and complete a free assessment.

    Click here to fill out the form and we will be in touch shortly.

  • Most of the electricity retailers pay you a “feed-in tariff” for any solar generated electricity you send back to the grid.

    Each retailer has a different rate so it pays to shop around.

    You can check out the current rates here and here.

  • You don’t need a battery for solar power, but it can be useful.

    When a solar power solution has a battery, it stores excess generated energy in the battery first. Once the battery is topped up, the excess energy is then exported to the mains grid to provide solar buy backs.

    The main reasons people invest in batteries is:

    Rural Power Outages: In remote areas, where grid access is limited or unreliable, solar batteries play a crucial role. The stored excess energy ensures a stable power supply even when the grid fails.

    Critical Equipment: Solar batteries provide energy security for critical home-based equipment such as medical equipment and agricultural ventilation etc. During power outages, these batteries can keep these devices operational.

    Peak Power Reduction: During peak demand hours (usually Monday to Friday: 7.00am-11.00am; 5.00pm-9.00pm), solar batteries enable homeowners to use stored energy instead of relying solely on the grid. By charging during sunlight hours for the evening peak period, and overnight during the lower night rate for the morning peak period, batteries help reduce peak electricity costs.

  • Currently a 5.0kWh battery is around the $6.8k, the cost of the battery depends on the size of the battery, anywhere between $6.8k to $30k.

  • Yes, Smart Solar can design your solar solution with a 10A Emergency Power Socket.

    This socket only activates when the mains grid stops. That means all current solar generated energy is redirected to this one socket to keep necessary appliances working during the day.

    Note: This emergency power is subject to available UV light and weather conditions and does not work at dusk or night.

  • The cost of solar panels depends on the system size, panel efficiency, and installation complexity.

    On average, residential solar panel systems cost between $8000-$15000 for systems without batteries.

  • Yes, you are installing an asset so your property value will increase to reflect this.

Smart Solar

  • We’re your local. We have been powering Canterbury since 1997, and have guarantees on solar products that will set you up for years. Whether you have an existing house or a new build, Smart Solar designs high-quality systems that put you in control of your ideal lifestyle, from your budget to your usage.

  • No it’s free, and there is no obligation to go ahead.

  • We use the best brands on the market so you get the best results. Tesla, TrinaSolar, Entelar and many more. If you have a specific brand you’d like to work with, let us know.

  • 25 year Warranty on Solar Panels

    10 Year Warranty on Mounting System

    10 Year Warranty on Inverters

    And we also provide a Master Electrician $20,000 Workmanship Guarantee!

  • Our showroom is on 1/19 Nga Mihi Road, Sockburn in Christchurch.

    1. Fill out a “Free Quote” on our website.

    2. One of our solar power experts will be in touch to discuss your energy use and house.

    3. We’ll then design a custom solar energy system just for you.

    4. If you’re happy to proceed, we’ll get everything underway on our end and do all the permits.

    5. We’ll install your solar setup with our team of inhouse electricians.

    6. Perform final inspections and show you around your new investment!

  • Definitely at the start (preferably during the planning stage) so we can make sure you gain the maximum return on your solar investment.

  • Absolutely! Our solar apps allow homeowners to see:

    • How much energy their solar panels are generating

    • How much the house is using.

    • How much excess unused energy is either being stored away to battery or exported out to the grid.

I have solar, now what?

  • Solar setups without an emergency power socket, or battery storage, typically shut down during a power outage. This prevents feeding power back to the grid to protect utility workers.

    If you have battery storage it can provide uninterrupted power during outages.

    If you have 10A Emergency Power Socket, it can provide daylight power during outages, subject to weather conditions.

  • Immediately turn the system off at the isolation switch and contact Smart Solar.

  • For the most part, the system happily maintains itself.

    From time to time, the solar panels may require a clean to eliminate dust, pollen and other airborne debris. Canterbury usually experiences rainfall often enough that naturally keeps the panels clean. If our region experiences a dry season, hose the panels down to shift any build-up.

    Smart Solar recommends an annual inspection of the panels and if you don’t want to do it, Smart Solar will arrange a technician to come and complete the inspection and provide any recommendations.

    This is all laid out in the “Owner’s Manual” which Smart Solar supply’s with each system we install.

  • Smart Solar will provide an “Energy Management Plan” with every installation and that give advice on how to get the best out of your solar system.

  • Solar panels are are designed to last 25 years or more, with most manufacturers offering performance warranties guaranteeing atleast 85-90% of rated output after 25 years.


  • SolarHydro is our ultimate home energy efficiency package for new homes that we’ve created with our sister company Smart Systems.

    It combines:

    • Smart Solar solar power package

    • Smart Systems hydronic hot water

    • Smart Systems central heating

    We will start with a whole energy assessment of your house, looking at how you use power, your lifestyle, appliances & budget and then calculate the savings before you choose to invest.

  • No - SolarHydro is the ultimate energy efficiency package made for new homes.

  • We could go on and on about the benefits of SolarHydro but our top 3 are:

    • Readily available hot water.

    • Entire home is warm year round.

    • Extremely low power bills - think less than $200 a year like the Flynn Family here.

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